Friday, January 18, 2008

Today my friend told me about this website: notdoppler. It is funny Try the game dust Create your own experiment:fire, ice, wind and many more!!!!!!!!!!!!! So try it . It funny!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I am sick.
The sickness is coughing and sore throat. At first I won't not have this because I got this from my father. I was awaken by my mother today at 12:00pm to take medicine, also I took a other type of medicine at 10:00am, and the last type of medicine at11:00am. Total is three medicine a day, ohhhh I am get the feeling I should stop writing about this sickkening. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................................
Untill next time .

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My brother's school

This is my brother's school. It is call Monfort school. This court can hold about nine badminton fields! , I mean NINE! It has four levels. My brother took express.
This is a sign I found at his school (below)

The founder of the school is ST LOUIS MARIE GRIGNION DE MONFORT.
It big , I mean if you were here you know.
And that all about his school.